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If our recollections of trauma are only thought of as the pain from past experiences, we are missing the hope that is available to all of us. Post Traumatic Growth is defined as transformation following trauma which leads a person to positive growth. PTG reminds us that the negative effects of trauma don’t have the final say.

The brain’s ability to change and the chance at lifelong trauma show just how far the impacts of trauma can go. Trauma plays the long game, having both immediate and long-term symptoms. These symptoms show the need for traumatic experiences to be addressed.

The growing talk about trauma is a worthy conversation. All humans experience trauma. But trauma is a dense subject. A specific experience may be traumatic to one person & that very same experience may not be traumatic for another. So how can trauma truly be distinguished?

Christ is not only a generous giver, but an intentional, intuitive, & consistent one. James 1:17 tells us, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” God knows what we want & more importantly, what we need, even more than we do. Christ assures us, “I do not give to you as the world gives” [John 14:27].

Has there been a moment in your life where you became aware of your freedom? Maybe it was when you first left for college. You got to stand on your own two feet making all your own choices for the first time. Maybe the moment of freedom was your first drive in your very first car. Or perhaps freedom feels like walking out of work on a Friday afternoon with exciting weekend plans in front of you.

Plans. We make them & sometimes we speak about them, yet we often end up uttering the infamous phrase “things didn’t go as planned.” We are encouraged to take comfort in the fact that God has a plan, yet we are discouraged by our lack of knowing His plans. How could UnSPEAKable Plans be a cause for hope?

We have come to see that every staff member, every volunteer, every board member & participant has taken a chance on the possibility of hope from journeying through the wreckage of an abortion into a place of healing. In turn, this hope provided has allowed many to share the hope they now possess.

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