UnSPEAKable Plans

UnSPEAKable Plans

So often we hold ourselves back from speaking on certain topics or ideas due to a lack of understanding. In many scenarios, it would be quite wise for us as human beings to recognize where we don’t understand and silence ourselves for the sake of learning prior to speaking. When we speak from a perspective that doesn’t come from a place of understanding, we often find ourselves in trouble–hurting those around us & saying things we don’t mean.

Plans. We make them & sometimes we speak about them, yet we often end up uttering the infamous phrase “things didn’t go as planned.” We are encouraged to take comfort in the fact that God has a plan, yet we are discouraged by our lack of knowing His plans. The plans of God are often unspeakable…(a mystery). We do not always know them. We cannot always describe them. We cannot be certain of what will come from them. How could UnSPEAKable Plans be a cause for hope?

The UnSPEAKable Plan for over 100 men & women this year was to experience healing, freedom, grace & love through services at Found & Woven. Recovery groups have led these individuals down a path of recovery through processing their grief in safe spaces. Next Steps workshops have equipped these individuals with tools to continue walking in the newfound freedom they have come to know. Abortion Recovery Trainings have allowed these individuals to show deeper compassion to the abortion wounded.

One specific participant shared that her UnSPEAKable Plan was finding a community of people who shared her painful experience & this allowed her to open up to healing.

The UnSPEAKable Plan for Jesus was to suffer immensely for the sake of offering a relationship to each of us.

These UnSPEAKable Plans were infused with hope because of what came from them; knowing Christ, healing, & freedom.

What UnSPEAKable Plan has unfolded in your life thus far? Maybe it has come from a place of significant pain, discomfort, or hardship. Maybe the UnSPEAKable Plan was a total blindside, from something you had no way to expect.

Consider the UnSPEAKable Plans of your past. Where did they originate from? Where has God worked in your life in a way that you could have never pictured before?

Consider the UnSPEAKable Plans of your present. Where could God be working?

Jeremiah 29:11 - “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Romans 8:28 - "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

The truth that emerges from these verses is this; the UnSPEAKable Plans God has ahead of us are characterized by goodness.

Speak of these plans from a reflection of hope. The reality is still the same–we don’t have a full understanding of God’s plans, but we carry hope being certain the coming plans for our life are good.