UnSPEAKable Freedom

UnSPEAKable Freedom

Has there been a moment in your life where you became aware of your freedom? Maybe it was when you first left for college. You got to stand on your own two feet making all your own choices for the first time. Maybe the moment of freedom was your first drive in your very first car. Or perhaps freedom feels like walking out of work on a Friday afternoon with exciting weekend plans in front of you.

These moments & milestones in life are fun bits to reflect on, but if we are honest there’s a much deeper freedom that we are all longing for. In a conversation this week, a past ministry participant described F&W as “freedom work” for those impacted by abortion. Many abortion wounded individuals come to F&W looking for freedom from shame, guilt, anxiety & other post abortion stress symptoms. We have watched the possibility of freedom become a reality by God’s undoing of people’s hearts.

In witnessing all of this “freedom work,” it has been made clear that freedom belongs on our list of “unSPEAKables.” In our desire for freedom we are plagued down by questions & thoughts such as…

  • How could I ever say that I am free with a past like mine?
  • If I am free, why do I not feel free?
  • I don’t deserve to be free.

Freedom is living in confidence, purpose, & joy in who God has made you to be. YES, living this way is actually possible for all. Living in freedom requires us to SPEAK of our freedom even when we don’t feel it. Galatians 5:1 says: “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.” Jesus’ desire was to set us completely free by way of the cross—the ultimate freedom work. It’s a bit of a paradox but sometimes in order to feel freedom, to feel the release from shame & guilt, we have to SPEAK of the freedom before we feel it.

UnSPEAKable Freedom opens the doors to many possibilities. The possibility that God’s purpose in your life could lead you to true abundance in your life. The possibility for you to develop the confidence that you can indeed be used by God in His kingdom work. SPEAK HOPE through SPEAKING of your freedom.

Check out these scriptures for more on freedom:

Galatians 5:1 | John 10:10 | Luke 4:16-21 | Isaiah 61:1-3