In view of Roe v. Wade…

In view of Roe v. Wade…

We have seen clear evidence of God’s mercy on us as a nation with the monumental reversal of the Roe V. Wade decision this last month. We are simultaneously thankful for God’s kindness but know that our work continues with added urgency and necessity. From our vantage point at Found & Woven, we have seen an increase of intakes, a need for education, and plentiful opportunities to resource churches and ministries.

While we celebrate that God is opening doors to reach more people that need healing, we ask that you pray with us for those impacted by abortion. The narrative that is presented in the media and on social media frequently doesn’t represent their stories accurately. Individuals impacted by abortion are told by mainstream culture that there is nothing to regret or grieve. The church, at times, treats abortion as unforgivable. Those impacted by abortion are left to struggle alone and in shame. Pray with us that…

  • They will find compassion, grace, and forgiveness through our words and actions
  • They will have the courage to reach out for help and in turn be connected with healing resources
  • They will have the courage to share their stories.
  • They will find peace that only can be found in Christ through forgiveness and restoration.

We thank you for your prayers and support!